Anywhere large volumes of files, paperwork and documents have to be safely locked away, filing cabinets offer the perfect compromise between basic steel office cupboards and fireproof safes.
Check out our most popular filing cabinets in this brief overview.
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Anywhere large volumes of files, paperwork and documents have to be safely locked away, filing cabinets offer the perfect compromise between basic steel office cupboards and fireproof safes.
Check out our most popular filing cabinets in this brief overview.
You can also click on the button below to go directly to all of our filing cabinets.
Every year, the German Institute for Risk Management and Loss Research for Public-Sector Insurers (IFS e.V.) releases its statistics* on fire damage. These are based on around 1400 identified causes of fire, which are collected in the IFS damage database and statistically evaluated.
In 2014, there were no fewer than 175,354 fires and explosions reported across Germany (according to statistics from the German Fire Brigade Association**). This shows that the IFS statistics are just the tip of the iceberg. That said, they have remained the same over the years when it comes to how the causes of fire are broken down. Many fires are not investigated by the IFS, as the damage is easy to identify and there is no need to determine the cause – in the case of lightning strikes, for example.
According to IFS statistics, the main causes of fire in the workplace are electricity, human error, arson attacks and overheating, which combine to make up over 65% of fires.
The number of electricity-based accidents is expected to increase rather than decrease in the coming years, as the demand for increased power within electronic devices often harbours risks. This includes overburdened lithium batteries in devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones, which can quickly result in the development of a fire. In recent years, even solar panels have been known to cause fires in the roof structure of a building.
Another typical cause can be found in staff kitchens fitted with a cooker. All it takes is the briefest of distractions – such as a quick question from a colleague – and the hob could set on fire because you’ve forgotten about your food. As for chemicals or explosive substances, these present a risk if they are stored incorrectly, which is why they must be stored in special hazmat cabinets in line with legal requirements.
If your important documents are already stored in a fireproof filing cabinet, you have already made an excellent start when it comes to security. The insurance often covers any damage, but the less work you have to deal with after a burglary as a result of lost documents, the faster you can get back to your daily business.
It’s safe to say that security is our number-one priority, and HARTMANN TRESORE has provided over 200,000 happy customers with safes over the years. No matter what type of filing cabinets you need to suit your own, specific purposes and security requirements, you can always count on HARTMANN TRESORE.
Feel free to contact us free of charge on our customer services telephone number: 0800 8737673.
*Source: Institut für Schadenverhütung und Schadenforschung der öffentlichen Versicherer e.V. [German Institute for Risk Management and Loss Research for Public-Sector Insurers] (
**Source: German Fire Services Association (DFV e.V.) ( ist umgezogen.
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